Do You Know These 3 Ways To Remove Stubborn Ear Wax at Home? (2025)

  • Ear wax is beneficial and usually comes out on its own. Removing it is unnecessary.
  • You can try safe home remedies like mineral oil, ear drops, and water if your ear wax hardens and builds up.
  • Reach out to a healthcare provider if you can't safely remove your ear wax or if you have any unpleasant symptoms.

You might have wondered how to remove deep excess ear wax (cerumen) at home if you have symptoms like an earache or muffled hearing. You can safely get rid of stubborn ear wax using mineral oil, baby oil, or glycerin, which can help soften it. Ear drops and a syringe may also help.

You don't actually need to get rid of an ear wax for the most part. Washing your hair is often enough to remove an ear wax blockage (cerumen impaction). Ear wax protects your ear canal by keeping it moist and preventing infections. It also keeps debris from going into your ear and affecting your hearing.

Ear wax can build up and cause discomfort, so you may want to remove it. Just be sure to tread carefully, as the wrong methods have the potential to damage your ear. Read on to learn how to remove ear wax safely at home.

Do You Know These 3 Ways To Remove Stubborn Ear Wax at Home? (1)

Cells in the outer ear canal make ear wax, medically known as cerumen. Ear wax moves through the ear canal and into the opening. It naturally falls out of your ears on its own or when you take a shower.

Ear wax has several benefits, including:

  • Moisturizing the ear canal
  • Protecting against ear infections
  • Shields your eardrums from dust, dirt, and other harmful substances

What Causes Ear Wax To Build Up?

Ear wax usually moves out of the ear once it builds up. Unlike nails or hair, which continue to grow, ear wax doesn't need to be removed. Even small everyday movements, like chewing and talking, can help usher ear wax out of the ear canal.

Ear wax buildup can sometimes occur. It can accumulate if you're using a Q-tip to clean your ears or if your body produces an unusually heavy amount of ear wax. If your body makes sticky or hard ear wax, it may not be able to dislodge it on its own.

Too much ear wax can get occluded, or stuck, in the ear canal. This may cause uncomfortable symptoms, such as:

  • Earache
  • Muffled hearing
  • Plugged ears
  • Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)

There's no real danger if your ear wax hardens and builds up. You can try the following home remedies to safely remove it if you're uncomfortable.

Soften the Ear Wax

Using mineral oil, baby oil, or glycerin can help soften and break up ear wax build-up. These gentle ingredients help usher the ear wax out of the ear. Be aware, however, that ear wax expands as it softens, which can make the clogged sensation feel worse.

Take the following steps to soften the ear wax:

  1. Warm mineral oil, baby oil, or glycerin to body temperature.
  2. Tilt your head, then place a few drops of the warm oil into the affected ear.
  3. Repeat this process twice daily for five days or until the ear wax softens.
  4. Guide warm water into the affected ear while showering. Tip your head, letting the water flush out the ear wax.
  5. Clean your outer ear using a cloth or paper towel.

Use Ear Drops

Ear drops, such as mineral oil, baby oil, or glycerin, soften ear wax and allow it to flow out of the ear easily.

Instructions for using ear drops, available over the counter, may vary by brand. You can generally use these steps to effectively use ear drops:

  1. Tilt your head. Place the instructed number of drops into the affected ear without touching the applicator to your ear canal.
  2. Keep your head tilted for the instructed time, usually several minutes.
  3. Repeat this process two times per day for four days. Consult a healthcare provider about how often to use ear drops.
  4. Flush out the ear wax with warm water in the shower. You can also gently guide water into your ear with a bulb syringe.
  5. Clean your outer ear using a cloth or paper towel.

Syringe Your Ears

Take note of the following steps to syringe your ears with water:

  1. You may need warm oil or ear drops to soften the ear wax if it's sticky or hard.
  2. Warm water to body temperature after softening the ear wax. Cold water may make you feel dizzy or cause vertigo.
  3. Keeping your head upright, gently pull the outside of the affected ear forward. This will straighten your ear canal.
  4. Gently guide the warm water into your ear using a bulb syringe.
  5. Tilt your head, letting the water drain from your ear.
  6. Clean your outer ear using a cloth or paper towel.

Avoid syringing your ears at home if you have diabetes, prior ear surgery, perforated eardrums, an ear tube, eczema, or a weak immune system. Consult a healthcare provider about removing excess ear wax.

Home Remedies To Avoid

Avoid using a Q-tip to remove ear wax from the inner parts of your ear. These cotton buds seem perfectly shaped for cleaning your ear, but they can injure the ear canal.

You run the risk of rupturing your eardrum if you place a Q-tip too deep into your ear.A ruptured eardrum may cause complications, such as:

  • Chronic ear infection or drainage
  • Dizziness
  • Hearing loss
  • Mastoiditis, which is an infection that spreads to the bone behind your ear
  • Vertigo

Q-tips do not effectively remove ear wax. Using Q-tips may force ear wax further into your ear, which may cause ear wax impaction. Ear wax ends up at the end of your ear canal and directly next to the eardrum. Research has found that ear wax impaction is common in people with narrow ear canals or who wear hearing aids.

Another method to avoid is using ear wax removal kits involving cameras, which you can purchase online and use to search for wax. Objects, such as tiny metal spoons or hairpins, can also cause damage. Even small scrapes can becomeinfections.

Steer clear of ear candling, in which you place a specially-shaped candle in your ear. There's no evidence that ear candling is effective. Ear candling may also increase the risk of burns to the skin and damage to the ear.

Contact a healthcare provider if home remedies aren't successful. They have special tools that can remove excess ear wax. A healthcare provider can irrigate your ear using a water solution.

Contact a healthcare provider if you develop complications after removing ear wax at home, such as:

  • Ear drainage
  • Fever
  • Hearing loss
  • Pain in your ear

Consult an ear, nose, and throat specialist (ENT) if you have a history of ear infections, ear tubes, surgery, or previously ruptured eardrums. An ENT can use dry tools to remove ear wax, which can be helpful for people with a history of ear-related issues.

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A Quick Review

An ear wax blockage may cause uncomfortable symptoms, such as an earache or muffled hearing. You can safely remove stubborn ear wax at home using mineral oil, ear drops, and water if your ear wax hardens and builds up.

Ear wax helps protect your ears and typically comes out on its own, so you don't actually need to remove it. Talk to a healthcare provider if you can't safely remove your ear wax or develop any worrisome symptoms.

Do You Know These 3 Ways To Remove Stubborn Ear Wax at Home? (2025)
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